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Monday, 31 October 2016

Bismillah... In the name of Allah

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. In the name of Allah The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Moga-moga Tuhan kurniakan kesihatan yang baik buat semua yang membaca. Dan sekiranya ada yang tidak sihat, ingatlah sesungguhnya sakit itu penghapus dosa. Ketika kita sakit, Tuhan tarik selera makan, seri wajah, dan dosa kita. Kemudian apabila kita sembuh, selera makan dan seri wajah itu dikembalikan kepada kita, tetapi tidak dosa. Betapa Tuhan itu Maha Penyayang, bukan?

I am writing this on the last day of October. I know, the last time I wrote, I promise you to update this blog on December. But, something came up. Jadi, saya terpaksa update walaupun diri ini sesungguhnya benar-benar sibuk dengan dunia utama saya. Saya terpaksa cari masa untuk update blog ini.

Apa yang telah berlaku? From the previous update, dalam post 'Rasa Teringin Nak Update Blog' which I've wrote about how dissapointed I am when someone leave a comment, telling that I am not qualified to be a writer, I also mentioned something like...

Let me quote it back, "Jangan tunggu good news daripada saya. Tapi mohon readers semua doakan yang terbaik. Jika ada, adalah. Saya harap, tahun kelima saya berada di dalam dunia penulisan, saya dapat hadiahkan sesuatu. Buat keluarga, juga buat readers. Buat keluarga, ingin saya buktikan, berdirinya saya di dalam bidang penulisan, bukanlah sesuatu yang sia-sia. Buat readers, ingin saya sampaikan betapa saya berterima kasih atas sokongan kalian."

Guess what?

Well, I do have a good news for you guys.

Let me first share the feelings that I felt here.

It was on 21 October 2016 around 6.20 pm. About two hours before that, I sent an email to the publisher which I've sent my manuscript to them about four months before. The deadline for them to observe my manuscript was supposed to be on 22 October 2016. But 22 October 2016 falls on Saturday, so I sent the email asking about my manuscript status earlier cause I'm supposed that their office will be closed on Saturday.

Then, like I've mentioned earlier, around 6.20 pm, I suddenly received a call. Why suddenly? Well, I didn't hear any ringtone before I heard a voice saying "Hello?" "Hello?" It was quite mysterious at first. I didn't pick the call up, but since the bluetooth settings was turned on, so I guess the call was picked up automatically. I didn't respond to the call. I ended it as the call was from an unknown number starting with 019. If it was the publisher, the number should start with 013.

And I didn't even expecting a call, I thought that they are going to contact me through the email.

Not long after that, I received a message from the same 019 number saying that, "Salam. Maaf mengganggu. Saya ?? dari ??????? publication."

And I was like, "OMG! Did I just end the call that is so so so important?"

So, with my hand shivering, I dialed the number.

Didn't have to wait for so long, the call was answered.

As I was so nervous, I didn't greet first even it's me who started the phone call.

"Hello?" The voice greeted.

"Hello?" I responded.

"Hello?" The voice greeted again.

"Hello? Boleh dengar tak?" I thought, the person on the other side can't hear me well because the person was like teragak-agak to talk.

"Boleh, boleh dengar. Ni Nasha ke?" The person asked.

"Ya, saya."

"Nasha Hadzir Othman?"

"Ya, saya."

Then, she laughed. Finally. The awkwardness gone.

"Ni nombor lain ke?" When she said that, I was like, Ya Allah, why did I forget that I was using another number to do the call back? The phone has 2 number in it. One is mine, and another is my brother's. No wonderlah she seems so teragak-agak to talk just now!

"Ya, nombor tu tak ada kredit." I wasn't intended to lie. I didn't even check how much credit is left in the other number. But what I know is, no matter how much credit is left in the number, it still can't be used as it has expired. So, I guess, tu tak dikira menipu lah kan?

"Oh. Okey. Fasal manuskrip tu..." Saya dah berdebar-debar.

"Alhamdulillah..." And alhamdulillah should be a sign for a good start right?

"Kami terima." And I was about to shout, but I concealed it. I pretended to be as cool as I could. That feelings... Only God knows.

"Ya ke? Alhamdulillah..." Yes, I pretended to be as cool as I could.

The conversation countinues with some other matters before we end the call.

Selepas saja I end the call, you can guess who is the first name that I call for.

"Makkkk!!!" The shout. Oh, I remember how bad it sounded. I was like going to cry on that time, so you can imagine yourself.

I rushed out of my room. And I found my mum was running towards me. She thought that something bad happens to me or maybe my friends because the way I shouted, I never did that before.

Dengan muka terkejut, my mum asked me, "Kenapa?"

"Manuskrip kakak diterima." The about-to-cry-voice. The shivering hands. The lemah-lutut condition. The jatuh terduduk condition. The rasa macam nak sujud feelings. Semuanya bercampur.

"Apa?" Of course my mum couldn't hear it clearly because of my voice.

I had to repeat it for three times, but I didn't mind. On the third time, my tears started to fall out of my eyes.

My sister came to join us. She was from the outside of the house. And obviously, she was shocked hearing my loud voice calling my mum just now.

I got up from my sitting position and I hugged my sister. I told her while crying, "Manuskrip kakak diterima."

And she was speechless.

My mum hugged me too. She was crying too. Maybe because she saw my tears.

Mak tanya, "Kalau dapat keputusan exam straight A's mesti tak menangis macam ni kan?"

Saya jawab, "Tak."

"Why? Because this manuscript, you did it all from scratch?"

"Ya. For all this years of learning on how to write something good, everything seems to be worth it. Ada orang pernah cakap, kakak tak sesuai jadi penulis. Now, it seems that Tuhan terbalikkan kata-kata tu. Dia izinkan kakak jadi penulis."

That feelings. Tuhan saja yang tahu. Benar, Tuhan saja yang tahu.

Rasa syukur tu banyak macam mana, Tuhan saja yang tahu.

Maka, I'm sharing this to let you guys know.

Yes, manuskrip saya diterima. InsyaAllah, jika diizinkan Tuhan, biiznillah, dengan izin Tuhan, manuskrip itu akan diterbitkan. Bila? Akan saya maklumkan kemudian.

Saya mohon doa kalian. Saya mohon sokongan kalian.

Saya harap manuskrip itu akan menjadi sebuah naskhah yang berguna buat sesiapa yang membacanya. Saya harap manuskrip itu tidaklah sesuatu yang wujudnya sekadar mendatangkan sia-sia.

Moga Tuhan permudahkan perjalanannya dan moga Tuhan rahmati kita semua.

Terima kasih, terima kasih, terima kasih buat yang mengajar, buat yang mendidik, buat yang menyokong. Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu seikhlas mana budimu dan hanya Tuhan sahaja yang mampu membalasnya. Terima kasih, terima kasih dan terima kasih.

Kalau ada rasa ingin tahu, kisah siapa yang bakal diterbitkan tu, saya akan berkongsi teaser di Facebook. Jadi rajinkanlah diri anda menambah kenalan. Jangan Google Search, anda takkan jumpa facebook saya. Facebook Search? InsyaAllah jumpa. Taip saja, Nasha Hadzir Othman. Kalau tak silap saya, setakat ini saya masih belum ada kembar.

Jika Tuhan izinkan, akan kita bersua lagi di dalam blog ini. Seperti yang pernah saya janjikan, update di blog hanya akan berlaku pada bulan Disember.

Jadi, bersabarlah.

See ya.

Assalamualaikum, :).   


  1. Ass, Sister. Only a smart reader who know how talented you are. Congratulation..I am so happy for you. Salam perkenalan dari saya di Indonesia. I love all your story. I also like writing. 😉😉

  2. I like the whole ur story.. Congrats and May ALLAH BLESS U ALWAYS.. n Wish ur dreams come true.. n don’t forget u’re very talented.. keep it Up ya.. 👍😁

  3. I like the whole ur story.. Congrats and May ALLAH BLESS U ALWAYS.. n Wish ur dreams come true.. n don’t forget u’re very talented.. keep it Up ya.. 👍😁
