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Saturday, 18 February 2017

What Type of You?

Assalamualaikum, guys! Tengok tajuk semacam saja kan? Yang penting, post kali ni tak berkait tentang cerpen atau novel. Saya cuma nak tulis something like a self reminder. Benda ni dah lama tulis, simpan dalam notepad. Hari ni baru rasa nak letak dekat blog, sebelum saya up bab 11 RUN.

Jadi mari kita layan bebelan saya!

At some stages of your life, somehow what, it's YOU, yourself who have to determine what type of you that you want to be.

Korang pernah tak jalan-jalan then ternampak teenagers yang tengah bercakap dengan their parents? It's normal lah kan tengok teenagers yang bercakap dengan their parents.

But then, what is your reaction when suddenly the teenager raises his/her voice to his/her parent? Walhal parent dia tanya something dengan tone yang biasa saja. Tone orang berbual. Then the boy/girl jawab dengan suara yang meninggi.

It's like they are scolding their parents, you know?

I understand kalau sekali je you buat benda tu sebab sometimes kita mungkin ada bad mood kita sendiri then kadang2 kita terlepas. But then, when you repeat the same tone for the second time, I macam tak boleh accept. Because if it's me, when I tak sengaja raise my voice up, I rasa sangat2 bersalah. That guilty feeling yang akan buat kau makan masa 30 minit just to think about how did you just talk to your mum/dad? Yang buat kau fikir, agak2 mak terasa tak aku naik suara tadi? Aku bukannya sengaja. Ternaik je. Macam mana eh nak cakap dekat mak? It's like 30 minit kau duk fikir benda yang sama then suddenly mak kau bercakap dengan kau balik with the usual tone/ usual way she used to cakap with you yang buatkan kau rasa macam, oh, mak's okay. Mak tak terasa. But actually, you cannot sedapkan hati you macam tu je, because for the whole 30 minutes tu sebenarnya mak kau tengah terasa dan tengah pujuk hati dia to memahami your bad mood and tengah pujuk hati dia untuk memaafkan kau.

It's just sooo rude for ANAK untuk guna tone suara MARAH while talking to MAK AYAH.

Then, you (sebagai pemerhati situation tadi) surely have this thought in your mind like, "Alah, biarlah. Mak ayah dia orang juga yang salah. Siapa suruh didik anak macam tu? Siapa suruh tak ajar anak tone yang betul masa cakap dengan mak ayah? Siapa suruh tak tegur anak when they are using the wrong tone?"

Yesss, memang betul segala pandangan2 tu.


Somehow what, at some stages of my life, it's me, myself who decide what type of me I want to be.

18 years old, guys. 18.

Tak peliklah why when you're 18, you're allowed to marry (for the guys), why when you're 18, you're allowed to enter the cinema to watch the gaduh2 type movie...

It's because, you dah CUKUP MATANG.

Apabila kita dah capai satu tahap cukup matang, tak kisahlah how our parents didik kita dulu, kita sebenarnya yang tentukan, siapa yang kita nak jadi. Kita tak boleh nak salahkan parents yang tak didik kita dengan betul bila kita decide untuk tinggikan suara kita bila bercakap dengan mereka. No, it's not their fault ANYMORE when we could actually choose how we are going to talk to them. Kita dah ada sebaik2 ilmu agama, dah dididik dengan adab... Okay, let's say, your parents didn't teach you this... But sorry guys, we were thought with adab since our primary studies. Andai kata lah, kita tak pergi sekolah sekali pun, kita dah baca, dah jumpa dalam al-Quran, how is the proper way to talk to our parents.

Tak pernah jumpa?

Surah al-Isra, ayat 23-24.

And your Lord has decreed that you not worship except Him, and to parents, good treatment. Whether one or both of them reach old age [while] with you, say not to them [so much as], "uff," and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.

And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small."

Ayat 23 tu is about how we shold treat our parents and ayat 24 tu ialah doa untuk ibu bapa.

So, takkanlah benda basic yang ditunjukkan dalam al-Quran pun tak boleh apply dalam hidup?

Kita dah matang, kan?


Pemikiran kita tidak semakin rasional seiring dengan peningkatan usia kita?

Sama-sama kita renungkan.

Sekian, tamat bebelan.

Terima kasih rajin baca.  

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